Öö kuvattuna päivällä. Öö at daytime. |
Last week I visited Tallinn with my wife and I'm so glad to see that the microbrewery boom is really flourishing there too. At many pubs you can find local microbrewery beers instead of Saku and A Le Coq. After walking around at the Old Town we bumped into a small beer shop called Drink Shop (why we don't have these kind of shops in Finland?). Small shop was filled with magnificent beers and I was like a kid in a sweet shop. I also was so frustrated that I didn't brought at least a wheelbarrow with me. I bought few good beers and here's one of those: Põhjala Beers Imperial Baltic Porter called Öö (that's night in English). Pitch black beer had many awsome aspects: coffee, iron, blood, liquorice, plums and it was also nicely salty. Beer was burnt, full-bodied and creamy. And it was very thick, like blood. Like my working mate says about full-bodied beers, it's like drinking Christ's blood from a cup of Grail. I definitely recommend you to taste this. I really have to buy more the next time I visit the beautiful Tallinn. Yummy.
Eelmisel nädalal käisin Tallinnas koos naisega ja ma olen nii rõõmus, et microbrewery buum on tõesti õitseb seal. Paljudes pubides leiad kohaliku microbrewery õlut asemel Saku ja Le Coq. Pärast jalutamas at Old Town me põrkasime väike õlu poes nimega Drink Shop (miks meil ei ole seda laadi kauplused Soomes?). Väike kauplus oli täis suurepärane õlut ja ma olin nagu laps magus kauplus. Ka mina nii pettunud, et ma ei toonud vähemalt käru koos minuga. Ostsin paar head õlut ja siin on üks neist: Põhjala Beers Imperial Baltic Porter nimega Öö (see on öö inglise). Pitch black õlut oli palju awsome aspekte: kohv, raud, veri, lagrits, ploomid ja see oli ka kenasti soolane. Õlu põles, täidlane ja kreemjas. Ja see oli väga paks, nagu veri. Nagu mu töö mate ütleb täidlane õlu, see on nagu joomine Kristuse vere tassi Graal. Ma kindlasti soovitan maitsta seda. Ma tõesti ei osta enamjärgmine kord ma külastadakaunist Tallinnast. Nami.
PS. If the translation was awfully wrong then blame the Google translator, not me :-)
nose 9/10, taste 9/10, palate 5/5, overall score 22/25.
Total points: 45/50.
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